Amigos de Iracambi

Forests and Landscapes Fund • Brazil
Amigos de Iracambi

Protecting the rainforest

Amigos de Iracambi is an initiative focusing on restoring Brazil's Atlantic Rainforest by planting 35,000 trees and enhancing water conservation. They collaborate with smallholder farms to convert degraded lands and develop forest corridors near Serra do Brigadeiro State Park, while educating local students and leaders on environmental conservation.

Pillar & Approaches

Plant trees and restore forests

Our forests and woodlands are decreasing in size with great biodiversity loss as a serious consequence. Forests provide a wide range of ecosystem services like filter and buffer the water, control floods, and soil erosion, store carbon, and clean the air. Forests also provide food and materials for human survival and they are home to a countless number of species. Our forests also play an important part in recreation and cultural enrichment. Milkywire supports organizations working to protect and restore forests and to enhance or reintroduce native species of trees and plants in order to create a natural and sustainable restoration.


Marcelo is a coordinator working to promote climate resilience through an integrated program of community ecosystem restoration and education.

Marcelo Paiva
Amigos de Iracambi
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Vast savanna landscape with scattered trees, green grass, and distant hills under a cloudy sky with patches of blue.

Plant trees and restore forests

Keeping Suriname as “the Greenest Country on Earth”


Suriname stands as the only nation maintaining over 90% of its original forest, a remarkable environmental feat. To preserve this legacy, new legislation is being crafted to declare millions of hectares as protected areas. However, these forests currently face unprecedented threats, including agriculture, mining, and road development. Addressing this, Re:wild, in collaboration with the Amazon Conservation Team (ACT) and the newly formed local NGO Wildlife and People, is empowering South Suriname's Indigenous communities, particularly the Trio people, to protect their ancestral lands.

Rwanda Wildlife Conservation Association

Plant trees and restore forests

Rwanda Wildlife Conservation Association


This initiative is dedicated to the restoration and preservation of Rwanda's natural wetlands. Understanding that human-related threats, often stemming from poverty, livelihood challenges, and lack of awareness, alongside competition between humans and animals for habitat, drive these issues, the project adopts a community-driven strategy that also aims to enhance local livelihoods.

Amazon Frontlines

Plant trees and restore forests

Amazon Frontlines

Colombia + 2 countries

Amazon Frontlines empowers Indigenous communities to safeguard their ancestral lands and combat the escalating threats posed by resource extraction. They are spearheading a movement to preserve the world's most biodiverse rainforests while advancing thriving, resilient Indigenous communities.

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