Protect Marine Wildlife
The Kenya Marine Mammal Network aims to safeguard dolphins and humpback whales threatened by fishing and plastic pollution along Kenya's coast. Through consistent data collection, the project seeks to establish the Lamu Archipelago as an Important Marine Mammal Area (IMMA) and assess one third of Kenya's coastline to identify critical areas for marine mammals.
Protect Marine Wildlife
The Inhambane Province in Mozambique hosts diverse marine megafauna populations, including manta rays and whale sharks, which face threats from overfishing and poaching. Marine Megafauna Foundation (MMF) plays a crucial role in protecting these species by conducting research and providing data to support conservation efforts. MMF contributes to adaptive management plans, advocating for expanded marine protected areas and addressing looming threats from industrial projects like oil and gas exploration and sand mining.
Protect Marine Wildlife
There are many human threats to the Baltic Sea. Baltic Seabird Project contributes new knowledge on sustainable marine ecosystems by combining frontline technological tools with deep ecological learning and knowledge sharing.
Protect Marine Wildlife
Costa Rica
Namaka Conservation Science is committed to protecting endangered sea turtles in Costa Rica from threats like illegal hunting and bycatch in fisheries. They safeguard nesting beaches, secure eggs, and work with local fishers on safer fishing practices. Additionally, they tackle plastic pollution and climate-related habitat loss. Through research, community involvement, and creating jobs, Namaka strives to curb illegal hunting and encourage sustainable conservation, safeguarding sea turtles for the future.
Reduce Marine Pollution
United Kingdom
Final Straw Foundation is dedicated to preserving clean and protected waters by combating plastic pollution in the Solent, a unique coastal region in Britain. Through inspirational projects, awareness campaigns, and education, they empower individuals, communities, and businesses to take practical actions towards reducing plastic use and promoting positive environmental behaviors.
Reduce Marine Pollution
Pelagiska tackles plastic pollution on Sweden's west coast, where currents converge, accumulating plastic debris. By collecting plastic from the archipelago's islands before it breaks down into harmful microplastics, they can prevent an environmental disaster. With over 250 metric tonnes of marine debris collected in the last seven years, Pelagiska's efforts contribute to a cleaner and healthier ocean ecosystem.
Reduce Marine Pollution
Launched in 2018, Hands 2 Oceans conducts regular dives to clear toxic waste, like lead batteries and electric scooters, from the Swedish east coast. With 300+ dives and 344,000 Kg of waste removed, the project aims to reduce environmental harm and promote recycling for a cleaner, safer ocean.
Protect & Restore Marine Ecosystems
United Kingdom
Blue Marine Foundation is dedicated to restoring the ocean to health by protecting and restoring marine life. Using a combination of top-down interventions to improve ocean governance and bottom-up project delivery that empowers fishers and local communities, their mission is to see at least 30 percent of the world’s ocean under effective protection by 2030 and the other 70 percent managed in a responsible way.
Protect & Restore Marine Ecosystems
Love The Oceans is committed to protecting the ocean off the Mozambique coast. Through a community-led approach, they are establishing a marine protected area while running various scientific research and community outreach projects. By promoting sustainable fishing practices and alternative livelihoods, Love The Oceans to achieve self-sustainability for the community through locally managed marine areas.
Protect & Restore Marine Ecosystems
The Green Heritage Fund Suriname is dedicated to preserving Suriname's endangered species and marine environments. Their Hydrology and Mangrove Initiative focuses on protecting mangroves and involving the community, building resilience for a sustainable future in the region's rich ecosystems. Additionally, they engage in initiatives such as the sloth-focused Xenarthra and Dolphin projects, aiding in the relocation and rescue of species impacted by climate change and urban development.
Protect & Restore Marine Ecosystems
The Bangladesh Environment and Development Society (BEDS) stands to protect the world's largest contiguous mangrove forest, the Sundarbans. BEDS addresses challenges posed by climate change by restoring degraded mangrove areas, promoting sustainable practices, and safeguarding both the environment and the livelihoods of coastal communities.
Protect & Restore Marine Ecosystems
FoProBim is dedicated to preserving Haiti's coastal and marine ecosystems by addressing threats such as overfishing and mangrove loss. They aim to restore mangrove forests and implement alternative income-generating activities like apiculture in the Three Bays Marine Protected Area. By combating destructive practices and promoting sustainability, FoProBim seeks to safeguard biodiversity and enhance resilience to environmental challenges in Haiti's coastal regions.
Protect & Restore Marine Ecosystems
Kenya + 1 countries
CORDIO is working to strengthen the resilience of marine ecosystems and coastal communities in Eastern Africa. The initiative focuses on nature-based solutions, improved fisheries management, and capacity-building for local conservation leaders. By enhancing governance and implementing sustainable practices, the project ensures the long-term health of coral reefs and marine biodiversity.