Human Rights Watch

Climate Transformation Fund • Bosnia-Herzegovina + 1 countries
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Human Rights Watch

Phasing out coal

HRW exposes fossil fuel harms, including to health. In 2023 they will follow up on work in Bosnia and South Africa and launch new research in a fossil fuel-producing country like Russia. They will also continue global advocacy aimed at ending international public financing for coal and other fossil fuels.

Pillar & Approaches


There is a need to support efforts that can reduce emissions. Change is not happening fast enough on its own. A high-impact way of accelerating emission reductions is by supporting effective organizations influencing decision-makers to implement more ambitious climate policies. Another way is to support innovation in new fossil-free energy solutions in cases where market forces are not providing the necessary funds.


Climate advocacy refers to actions and efforts aimed at raising awareness, influencing public opinion, and driving policy changes related to climate change. Such initiatives can be highly impactful, bringing about systemic technological, market, and human behavior changes necessary to address climate change, as well as speed up decarbonization and avoid carbon lock-in in emerging economies. The need for policy advocacy and mobilizing financing for policy change is also voiced by international organizations, national governments, and other actors.

Impact made to date
South Africa
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Drone shot of field lab

Durable carbon removal



PyroCCS pioneers sustainable industrial biochar carbon removal in the Global South, deploying its own low-cost, robust, pyrolysis systems powered by renewable energy and backed by a digital measurement and reporting solution. These plants efficiently convert invasive acacia bushes in Namibia, a significant threat to the savanna ecosystem, into high-quality biochar, while providing critical employment in regions with high youth unemployment rates. PyroCCS's scalable technology, which they are also offering as a solution to other project developers, not only captures carbon but also supports local agricultural and environmental recovery as well as food security.

CHAI image


Clinton Health Access Initiative (CHAI)

South Africa

CHAI will work on the high impact project of transitioning a portfolio of hospitals in South Africa's Western Cape Province to renewable energy. This could be a high impact measure that is currently not occurring due to the limited capacity of the department of health and because of bureaucratic hurdles to innovative financial and energy contracts. The project has the potential to reduce emissions by hundreds of thousands of tons, and leverages CHAI's extensive experience in health sector procurement and innovative finance.

App image smartphone in hand

Nature protection and restoration

Justdiggit Digital Regreening


This project develops a mobile app for regreening techniques like Farmer Managed Natural Regeneration (FMNR). The app delivers real-time, location-specific advice directly to farmers' phones. This approach reduces intervention costs by eliminating the need for in-person visits to every location. We already support Justdiggit’s regular work since 2021, and now added this project because it builds on proven FMNR methods, increasing cost-efficiency and potential for rapid scaling in dry landscapes.

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