Overfishing, extinction and deforestation are some of the threats our planet is facing. Donate directly to nonprofit organizations working globally to protect our planet.
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90% of your donation benefits impactful organizations working on the ground, in line with the UN Sustainable Development Goals. 10% covers Milkywire's platform and transaction costs.
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Every year, we lose 10 million hectares of forests. Our oceans are overfished and filled with plastic waste, and 1 million species are at risk of extinction. By becoming a monthly donor via Milkywire, you’ll help break this pattern. Or make a one-time donation – either way, you’ll become part of something bigger.
Maximize your giving power
90% of your donation helps support carefully audited nonprofits. 10% covers platform and transaction costs. That's it. No hidden fees. We work 100% on commission.
Support the UN global goals
All donations via Milkywire benefit local nonprofits working in line with the UN Sustainable Development Goals. All working hard to secure the future of our planet.